Frequently Asked Questions

A. Health and Life Group is a “Wholesale” product provider that offers Agents a unique distribution model with 100% Independent Status coupled with “Career” level support. We offer the opportunity to make Insurance Sales the lucrative and rewarding career they invisioned when they first became licensed.


A. Here are the steps…

  1. Call 888-709-4646 for an initial consultation and assessment of your specific product and support needs and to discuss which states and carriers are “hot” right now.

  2. Fill out just one “generic” contract and select the carriers you want. Email or fax 713-771-3595. We will auto populate all the contracts for you and email them to you in PDF format for your review and signature.

  3. Start attending our product, sales, and technology Webinars.

Q. How do I become affiliated with HLG?
A. Yes. We feel that it is unfair to make agents “sit out” and not write policies for 6 months in order to move their contracts. If your contracts are as-earned, we‘ll grant you a release immediately upon your request. If you owe money to an insurance company for chargebacks and you either pay off your account or transfer the debt, we’ll release you immediately.
Q. Will HLG release me immediately if I decide to move my contracts elsewhere?
A. No. We do not believe that assigning commissions is good for the agent. 100% of our “as-earned” contracts and most of our “advanced contracts” pay commissions directly to the agent. There are a few carriers that require assignment in order to obtain advances, but ownership of the business remains with the agent.
Q. Will I have to assign my commissions to HLG in order to receive all of the benefits and services?
A. No
Q. Does it cost me anything to affiliate with HLG?
A. No! Insurance companies have minimum production requirements in order to obtain their top contract levels. We’ll give you the top contract levels with every carrier from the first application with no production requirements.
Q. Wouldn’t I be better off contracting directly with the insurance companies?
Q. What is Health and Life Group (HLG)?